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(From ThreePointCircle's July 28th, 2019 post:)
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=== From [https://www.bluelight.org/xf/threads/what-is-wrong-with-the-mdma-available-today.791073/post-14596012 ThreePointCircle's July 28th, 2019 post]: ===
=== From [https://www.bluelight.org/xf/threads/what-is-wrong-with-the-mdma-available-today.791073/post-14596012 ThreePointCircle's post] on July 28th, 2019: ===
I went through the whole thread and made notes for myself. I'm getting completely tilted and its bringing flashbacks of doing lit reviews, but in case it's a help to anyone, here it is. Might be some mistakes and I probably could have done with restructuring but I don't feel like editing. Numbers are message numbers. Divide by 20 for approx page number.
I went through the whole thread and made notes for myself. I'm getting completely tilted and its bringing flashbacks of doing lit reviews, but in case it's a help to anyone, here it is. Might be some mistakes and I probably could have done with restructuring but I don't feel like editing. Numbers are message numbers. Divide by 20 for approx page number.

Latest revision as of 09:23, 12 May 2020

What is this page?

Included on this page are various posts from the now megathread What is wrong with the MDMA available today? on Bluelight. Originally started on April 24th, 2016 by user Le Junk, many users have now contributed to what is one of the largest user-based research threads ever to exist on Bluelight.

From indigoaura's post on May 10th, 2020

  • We are specifically discussing MDMA that has been sent to a lab (such as Energy Control or Drugs Data), tested with some form of GCMS or other lab testing, found to be MDMA, but presents with a different effects profile than typical MDMA. We are not discussing un-tested product that could be anything or contain any adulterant.
  • “Loss of magic” does not explain the issue, because the alternate effects profile has been experienced by users new to MDMA, including MDMA virgins and users with a short history of use. Also, many users who have experienced this sub-par MDMA go on to experience traditional MDMA from other batches of product with no loss of quality to the experience.
  • “Set and Setting” does not explain the issue because it has been experienced across multiple settings/environments/circumstances. Furthermore, multiple users report experiencing the sub-par effects from one batch, and then trying a different batch and easily rolling with a traditional effects profile.
  • Dosage does not explain the issue, because the questionable products have been tested in a wide range of doses from low to high with no improvement in effects.
  • Route of administration does not change the issue, as several users report alternate routes of administration with no change in effects.
  • No, we do not mean to imply that ALL modern MDMA is of poor quality. Obviously, there is plenty of high-quality MDMA out there. However, there is a large amount of poor-quality product available, and it has been reported across multiple continents and regions.
  • Although we have not currently identified the specific nature of this problem, we have discussed a variety of possibilities based on published research articles. Some of the possible explanations are: undetected contaminants, structurally similar compounds that present as MDMA to GCMS, metabolic/liver processing issues, drug polymorphism, and isomer ratios.
  • Please review the below chart for a simplified visual of what has been noted by many contributors to this thread over the last several years. These are generalizations based on observations and may not be true in every circumstance.

Effect Traditional (Magic) MDMA Subpar (Meh) MDMA
Mydriasis (eye dilation) Yes No
Enhanced tactile senses Yes No
Enhanced auditory senses Yes No
Enhanced aesthetic appreciation of music Yes No
Feelings of euphoria Yes No
Feelings of empathy Yes No
Pro-social behaviors Yes No
Energy Yes No
Feeling sleepy No Yes
Active desire to disengage from social interaction No Yes
Enhanced sex/making out Yes No
Feelings of love Yes No
Desire to be still No Yes
Jaw movement Yes Yes
Profuse Sweating/Feeling Hot Yes No
Feeling cold in warm environments No Yes
Duration 4-6 hours 1-3 hours
Comedown Typically, gradual Typically, abrupt

From ThreePointCircle's post on July 28th, 2019:

I went through the whole thread and made notes for myself. I'm getting completely tilted and its bringing flashbacks of doing lit reviews, but in case it's a help to anyone, here it is. Might be some mistakes and I probably could have done with restructuring but I don't feel like editing. Numbers are message numbers. Divide by 20 for approx page number.

Concepts Post numbers
User reports noticing experience differences between batches​ 1, 6, 12, 44, 57, 105, 355, 356​
MehDMA vs good both lab tested as MDMA and nothing else​ 1, 42, 454, 1115​
Testing 19, 123, 131, 137, 144 - 150, 152 – 157, 175, 188, 211, 214, 217 - 218, 222, 224, 240, 243 - 244, 246 - 247, 325, 340, 363, 370, 379, 396, 405, 414, 417, 457, 460, 489, 523, 541, 543, 563, 703, 722 - 723, 745, 780, 785, 789, 808, 999 – 1000, 1012, 1019, 1041, 1171, 1183 – 1186, 1366, 1471, 1473, 1502, 1525, 1580, 1583, 1593, 1695, 1769, 1792, 1806​
Issues with labs 489, 523, 543, 563, 595, 703, 722 – 723, 780, 1019, 1116, 1158, 1501​
Dose 27, 89, 90​
Stereoisomer 16, 27, 36 - 37, 55, 65, 68 - 69, 73, 113, 117, 123 - 124, 127 - 131, 139 - 150, 152 – 157, 159 – 163, 165 - 166, 197 – 203, 345, 364, 371, 374, 506, 817, 820 – 822, 827, 835, 850, 852 – 853, 862, 867, 916, 1127​
Salts 38, 265 – 266, 278, 405, 429, 434, 806, 814, 820, 822, 826, 1136 – 1137, 1141 – 1142, 1144, 1146​
Structural isomers 211, 214, 217, 218, 222, 224, 240, 243 - 244, 265, 340, 415, 595, 761 – 779, 1583​
Impurities 343 – 345, 365, 406 – 409, 466 + 470, 474, 555, 560, 574 - 575, 589, 622, 653 – 655, 752 - 753, 755 - 758, 761 – 779, 817, 851, 854, 869, 873, 911, 1093, 1096, 1249, 1269, 1275 - 1280, 1290, 1320, 1358, 1366​
MDP2P, 2-3 MDMA, MDP2Pol, MDP2P Glycidate, etc…​ 80, 113, 209, 574, 589, 693, 749, 752 – 753, 755 – 758, 761 – 779, 793, 794, 817, 821, 996 – 1000, 1241 – 1245, 1249, 1264, 1269, 1275 – 1280, 1290, 1358​
MDPH 1458, 1461 – 1466, 1477, 1479, 1484, 1561​
Capsules 1417 – 1432, 1780 – 1782​
Manufacturing history 102, 278, 294, 546, 575, 622, 647, 650, 742, 799, 857, 858, 873, 982, 1026, 1027, 1210, 1294, 1296, 1613 – 1614, 1780, 2024​
Purification 366, 389, 579, 581, 609, 610, 613 – 617​
Subjective definition of MehDMA vs MDMA​ 401, 538, 554, 589, 620, 651 - 652, 657, 812, 1042, 1139, 1208, 1607, 1618, 1619​
Test results 1, 693, 749, 806, 817, 828, 833, 848, 996, 1127, 1241, 1387, 1458, 1484, 1963​
Recrystallisation/washing​ 838, 841, 843, 849, 859 – 860, 863 – 866, 961 – 969, 973 – 978, 981, 988, 993, 1414 – 1415​
Other points 739, 1156​