Meh Reports:2020/04/11 - indigoaura

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Experience Date 2020/04/11
Location Houston, Texas
Dosage taken (mg) 154 mg + 116 + 111 + 124
Was the product tested Yes - Energy Control
What were the reagent test results Black with Marquis, Positive for MDMA on Simon's, Mecke, Mandelin, and Lieberman
What were the GCMS or similar results 80% MDMA (out of a possible 100%)
Route of administration Oral in vegetarian capsule
Length of time since last roll (weeks) 14 weeks
Substances consumed before dosing MDMA None
Substances consumed after dosing MDMA Vitamin C
Time since last meal (hh:mm) 04:03
Time of day of consumption (24h:00) 15:30
Length of comeup (hh:mm) 00:39
Duration of experience (hh:mm) 05:00
Quickness of comedown (gradual or abrupt) Abrupt comedown for each dose/re-dose
After effects - next day or anytime after Nausea, indigestion, dizziness starting 48 hrs later
Desire to socialize (1-10) 1
Desire to be still (1-10) 10
Amount of energy (1-10) 1
Music enhancement (1-10) 1
Sexual enhancement (1-10) 3
Tactile enhancement (1-10) 1
Feelings of physical coldness (Yes or No) Yes
Feelings of sleepiness (1-10) 8
Feelings of empathy (1-10) 1
Feelings of euphoria (1-10) 1
Feelings of love (1-10) 1
Amount of jaw movement (1-10) 5
Amount of jaw clenching (1-10) 7
Mydriasis (pupil dilation) (1-10) 1
Pro-social behavior (1-10) 1
Feelings of hotness (1-10) 1
Amount of sweating (1-10) 1
How soon until able to sleep (hh:mm after dosing) 10:30

Meh-DMA experience starting with a dose of 154 mg, with come-up noted at 4:12 pm. Urge to re-dose at 4:53 pm. Multiple re-doses throughout night, but no noted eye dilation or typical effects. Mostly wanted to lay on couch, found it difficult to motivate self towards movement or activity. Minimal enhancement of music/sex. Partner was very talkative on shrooms, but there was no desire to reciprocate the conversation. Feelings of nausea/dizziness started 48 hours later.

Overall, high urge to re-dose, low empathy/sensation.